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Step by step guide

Import visuals

Import Power BI Visual Editor and HTML/SVG/Handlebars Visual files into Power BI.

Importing visual into Power BI

Read more about importing visuals in official documentation.

To use visual, click the visual icon in the visualization panel, or open the report context menu if you are using the object interaction preview feature, and select "Add Visual".

Switch the Editor Visual settings to customize the HTML/SVG/Handlebars Visual settings:

Editor Visual settings

Select "Handlebars" for "JSON Schema" and "HTML/SVG/Handlebars" for "Target visual for editing".

Assign data to the visual. You need one categorical column and one measure.

Editor data

The editor is ready to use.

Creating variables and using context

The visual defines table and viewport objects in the context of Handlebars.

To output the values of a context object, use an expression with HTML:

<p>height: {{ viewport.height }}</p>
<p>width: {{ viewport.width }}</p>

Then click save button:

Save button

Ensure "Visual Editor" is selected and click on HTML/SVG/Handlebars visual icon to switch visual:

Switching visual

HTML/SVG/Handlebars visual should display height and width values:

HTML output of the visual

Template rendering responds to visual resizing:

Viewport changes on visual resize

Add some margins for each side of chart. Define the constant for that:

{{ var 'margin' 30 }}

Then define rest of constants too, for SVG element size, chart size uin SVG e.t.c.

<!-- SVG element width as svgWidth = viewport.width - margin -->
{{ var 'svgWidth' (sub viewport.width (val 'margin')) }}
<!-- SVG element height as svgHeight = viewport.height - margin -->
{{ var 'svgHeight' (sub viewport.height val 'margin') }}
<!-- Chart area group height as chartHeight = viewport.height - (margin * 3) -->
{{ var 'chartHeight' (sub viewport.height (multiply (val 'margin') 3) }}
<!-- Height of each bar as rectHeight = chartHeight / table.rows.length -->
{{ var 'rectHeight' (divide (val 'chartHeight') table.rows.length) }}

Use a table object from context to bind data to HTML output. Create two variables with array for each axis:

<!-- Create array of sales values -->
{{ var 'sales' (map ' Sales' table.rows) }}
<!-- Create array of country names -->
{{ var 'countries' (map 'Country' table.rows) }}

Check the output to make sure the arrays are defined correctly:

<p>{{ val 'countries' }}</p>
<p>{{ val 'sales' }}</p>

should give output:

Axes arrays output

Scales and axes

Create scales and axes for positioning rectangles on SVG canvas.


Use the following syntax to define scales:

{{ scaleLinear 'Name of scale' [min_input, max_input] [0 svgWidth] }}
{{ scaleBand 'Name of scale' [categorical_values] [0, chartHeight]}}

Example for a measuring scale:

{{ scaleLinear 'Scale X' (array ( min (val 'sales')) ( max (val 'sales'))) (array 0 (val 'svgWidth')) }}


  • 'Scale X' is name.
  • min (val 'sales') returns minimum value of sales array defied above. 0 also can be used for displaying bar proportions correctly.
  • max (val 'sales') returns maximum value of sales array defied above.
  • (array ( min (val 'sales')) ( max (val 'sales'))) creates array with two elements, minimum and maximum values of Sales column.
  • (array 0 (val 'svgWidth')) creates array of two elements too, with 0 and 'svgWidth' variable value.

Example for categorical scale:

{{ scaleBand 'Scale Y' (val 'countries') (array 0 (val 'chartHeight')) }}


  • (val 'countries') is array of country names.
  • (array 0 (val 'chartHeight') is array of 0 and 'chartHeight' variable value.

You can test scales output by using useScale function:

<p>Germany: {{ useScale 'Scale Y' 'Germany' }}</p>
<p>Canada: {{ useScale 'Scale Y' 'Canada' }}</p>
<p>France: {{ useScale 'Scale Y' 'France' }}</p>

The scale should give the appropriate position value for each country name:

Categorical scale output


Define two axes using auxiliary functions: axisBottom and axisRight that uses correspond D3.js functions:

{{ axisBottom 'name' 'defined scale' }}
{{ axisRight 'name' 'defined scale' }}


{{ axisBottom 'axisMeasure' 'Scale X' }}
{{ axisRight 'axisCategory' 'Scale Y' }}

'axisMeasure' uses 'Scale X' scale. 'axisCategory' uses 'Scale Y' scale.

Configure 'Scale Y' scale, set inner and outer paddings:

{{ setupScale 'Scale Y' 'paddingOuter' 0.2 }}
{{ setupScale 'Scale Y' 'paddingInner' 0.1 }}

Configure 'axisMeasure', set ticks count and tick format for formatting tick values:

{{ setupAxis 'axisMeasure' 'tickFormat' '~s' }}
{{ setupAxis 'axisMeasure' 'ticks' 5 }}

SVG template

Use SVG element to render chart.

SVG element

Use svg tag in template to define SVG:

<svg width="100" height="100">


It defines an SVG element with a size of 100x100. Use the defined variables 'svgWidth' and 'svgHeight' to respond to changes in visual size:

<svg width="{{ val 'svgWidth' }}" height="{{ val 'svgHeight' }}">
<!-- Add red rectangle with the same sizes to see output -->
<rect width="{{ val 'svgWidth' }}" height="{{ val 'svgHeight' }}" fill="red"/>

After switching to HTML/SVG/Handlebars you should see red rectangle:

Red rectangle

You can remove p elements used for testing.


Add g (grouping) element to group chart elements and set position to all children.

<svg width="{{ val 'svgWidth' }}" height="{{ val 'svgHeight' }}">
<g transform="translate({{ val 'margin' }}, {{ val 'margin' }})">
<rect width="{{ val 'svgWidth' }}" height="{{ val 'svgHeight' }}" fill="red"/>

Use transform attribute to shift group of elements to defined position. Use 'margin' variable to add margins left and top sides.

Translate of group element

Create group element and rectangles for each category (Country):

<svg width="{{ val 'svgWidth'}}" height="{{ val 'svgHeight' }}">
<g transform="translate({{ val 'margin' }}, {{ val 'margin' }})">
{{#each table.rows}}

Use #each build in block helper, to iterate over table rows.

Create rectangle element for each category (Country) value:

<svg width="{{ val 'svgWidth' }}" height="{{ val 'svgHeight' }}">
<g transform="translate({{ val 'margin' }}, {{ val 'margin' }})">
{{#each table.rows}}
y="{{{ useScale 'Scale Y' this.Country }}}"
width="{{{ useScale 'Scale X' this.[ Sales] }}}"
height="{{{ getScale 'Scale Y' 'bandwidth' }}}"
fill="{{{ useColor this.Country }}}">


  • 'x' is 0, align rectangle to the left side.
  • 'y' - vertical position depends on 'Scale X' scale value: '{{{ useScale 'Scale Y' this.Country }}}'. Use {{{ }}} to avoid HTML escaping. ' this.' - reference to the current context of each block.
  • 'width' depends sales values, so use 'Scale X' scale to map scale values to SVG coordinates.
  • 'height' - bind 'bandwidth' value from scale 'Scale Y' that depends on inner and outer paddings.
  • 'fill' - use useColor helper to bind color from Power BI palette. It gives color for each given category (Country name) value.

Output with min (val 'sales')) for min value:

SVG element with bars

Output with 0 for min value:

SVG element with bars


The last step is rendering axes:

{{{ useAxis 'axisMeasure' 'Scale X' }}}
{{{ useAxis 'axisCategory' 'Scale Y' }}}

Move measure axis to bottom side of chart (shift to chartHeight):

    <g transform="translate(0, {{val 'chartHeight'}})">
{{{ useAxis 'axisMeasure' 'Scale X' }}}
{{{ useAxis 'axisCategory' 'Scale Y' }}}

Axes rendering

Add styles for axes ticks:

.tick text {
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: 700;

To set proper sizes

Final visual render


Add selections support:

The HTML/SVG/Handlebars Visual supports interactivity.

Add {{{ useSelectionClear }}} to SVG element to handle click on background element for clear selection:

<svg width="{{ val 'svgWidth' }}" height="{{ val 'svgHeight' }}" {{{ useSelectionClear }}}>

Add {{{ useSelection @index}}} to each rectangle element to handle click on bars for selection:

{{{ useSelection @index}}}
y="{{{ useScale 'Scale Y' this.Country }}}"
width="{{{ useScale 'Scale X' this.[ Sales] }}}"
height="{{{ getScale 'Scale Y' 'bandwidth' }}}"
fill="{{{ useColor this.Country }}}">

It adds data attributes for selected (data-selection="true") and unselected (data-selection="false") elements and JS click handlers. Add styles to visualize selections:

[data-selection="false"] {
opacity: 0.5

The final result:

Final result

The full template:

{{ var 'margin' 30}}
{{ var 'svgHeight' (sub viewport.height (val 'margin')) }}
{{ var 'chartHeight' (sub viewport.height 90) }}
{{ var 'svgWidth' (sub viewport.width 30) }}
{{ var 'rectHeight' (divide (val 'chartHeight') table.rows.length) }}
{{ var 'countries' (map 'Country' table.rows) }}
{{ var 'sales' (map ' Sales' table.rows) }}
{{ scaleLinear 'Scale X' (array 0 ( max (val 'sales'))) (array 0 (val 'svgWidth'))}}
{{ scaleBand 'Scale Y' (val 'countries') (array 0 (val 'chartHeight'))}}
{{ axisBottom 'axisMeasure' 'Scale X' }}
{{ axisRight 'axisCategory' 'Scale Y' }}
{{ setupScale 'Scale Y' 'paddingOuter' 0.2 }}
{{ setupScale 'Scale Y' 'paddingInner' 0.1 }}
{{ setupAxis 'axisMeasure' 'tickFormat' '~s' }}
{{ setupAxis 'axisMeasure' 'ticks' 5 }}
<svg width="{{ val 'svgWidth'}}" height="{{ val 'svgHeight' }}" {{{ useSelectionClear }}}>
<g transform="translate({{ val 'margin'}}, {{ val 'margin'}})">
{{#each table.rows}}
{{{ useSelection @index}}}
y="{{{ useScale 'Scale Y' this.Country }}}"
width="{{{ useScale 'Scale X' this.[ Sales] }}}"
height="{{{ getScale 'Scale Y' 'bandwidth' }}}"
fill="{{{ useColor this.Country }}}">
<g transform="translate(0, {{ val 'chartHeight' }})">
{{{ useAxis 'axisMeasure' 'Scale X' }}}
<g transform="translate(0, 0)">
{{{ useAxis 'axisCategory' 'Scale Y' }}}
.tick text {
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: 700;
[data-selection="false"] {
opacity: 0.5