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Handlebars helpers

Handlebars lib has build-in helper functions. But developer can define own helper functions.

HTML/SVG/Handlebars, Apache ECharts Visual, and Markdown & Mermaid Visual have custom helpers.

Visual helpers

Variable (val)


{{ var '<name>' <value>}}

Defines variable or constant that can be used in expressions


{{ var 'margin' 30}}

Defines variable with name 'margin'

Value (val)


{{val 'margin'}}

Reads value of defined variable.


{{val 'margin'}}

Sum of two numbers (sum)

{{ sum <value1> <value2> }} - return sum of value1 and value2


{{ sum 30 30 }} gives output 60.

Subtraction of two numbers (sub)

{{ sub <value1> <value2> }} - substracts value2 from value1


{{ var 'height' (sub viewport.height 30) }}

JS expression let height = viewport.height - 30. It substracts 30 from viewport.height and assigns result to height variable.

Multiplication of two numbers (multiply)

{{ multiply <value1> <value2> }} - return sum of value1 and value2


{{ multiply 2 3 }} gives output 6.

Division of two numbers (divide)

{{ divide <value1> <value2> }} - return result of division of value1 and value2 values


{{ var 'rectHeight' (divide viewport.height table.rows.length)}}

Computes height of bars dividing 'viewport.height' to rows count and assigns result to 'rectHeight' variable.

Math functions and constants (math)

Calls math functions for Math object in JS


{{ math 'PI' }} returns 3.141592653589793

{{ math 'floor' 2.5 }} returns 2

Scale definition (scaleBand, scaleLinear, scaleLog, e.t.c)

Defines D3.js scales. Supported scales list:

{{ scale<Type> '<name>' <argument 1> <argument 2> <argument 3> ... }}


{{ scaleBand 'Scale Y' (map 'Country' table.rows) (array 0 (val 'viewport.height'))}}

It's equivalent for call in JS:

d3.scaleBand( => r.Country), [0, viewport.height])

Call scale function (getScale)

Gets scale object to call methods.

{{ getScale <name> <method> <arguments> }}


height="{{{ getScale 'Scale Y' 'bandwidth' }}}" gets bandwidth value from Scale Y scale

Get scale value for given input (useScale)

Creates svg output for scale:

y="{{{ useScale <name> <domain value> }}}"


y="{{{ useScale 'Scale Y' this.Country }}}" returns value for y attribute for given Country name

Clears all scales definitions (resetScales)

It's internal helper that calls to remove all scales definitions before render template updates.

Clears all axes definitions (resetAxes)

It's internal helper that calls before to remove all axes definitions before render template updates.

Axis definition (axisBottom, axisLeft, axisRight, axisTop)

Defines D3.js axes. Supported axes list:

{{ axis<Type> '<axis name>' '<scale name>' }} creates D3.js axis with given scale.


{{ axisBottom 'axisBottom' 'Scale X' }} creates bottom-oriented axi axis.

Create defined axis (useAxis)

Returns SVG output of D3.js axis.

{{{ useAxis '<axis name>' }}}


<g transform="translate({{val 'margin'}}, {{val 'height2'}})">
{{{ useAxis 'axisBottom' }}}

Formatting numerical values (format)

{{ format <value> '<format specification>' }} applies D3.js formatting for value.


{{ format 100.56 '.1f' }} gives 100.5 output

Formatting date values (utcFormat, timeFormat)

{{ utcFormat <value> '<format specification>' }} applies D3.js time formatting for date value.


{{ utcFormat '2023-05-31T10:04:05.005' '%B %d, %Y' }} gives May 31, 2023 output

Crete array from list of input (array)

{{ array <argument 1> <argument 2>}} creates array from given arguments.


{{ array 0 1 2 3}} creates array object with values 0, 1, 2, 3

Find minimum of array (min)

{{ min <value1> <value2> }} returns minimum of two values


{{ min 2 3 }} returns 2

Find maximum of array (max)

{{ max <value1> <value2> }} returns maximum of two values


{{ max 2 3 }} returns 3

Get mean of array (mean)

{{ mean <array>}} returns mean of values.


{{ mean (array 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)}} returns 3.5

Get median of array (median)

{{ median <array>}} returns median of values.


{{ median (array 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)}} returns 4.5

Get sum of values(sums)

{{ sums <array>}} returns sum of values.


{{ sums (array 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)}} returns 28

Filter array by value (filter)

{{ sums <array> '<operator>'}} returns sum of values.

Operators ==, >, <, >=, <=


{{ filter (array 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 5 '>'}} returns 6, 7

Clear selections (useSelectionClear)

{{{ useSelectionClear }}} creates click handler on element for clearing selection on click.

Clears current selection for the visual.


<svg width="{{val 'width'}}" height="{{ val 'height' }}" {{{ useSelectionClear }}}>

Clears selection on SVG element click.

Select datapoint (useSelection)

{{{ useSelection @index}}} creates click handler on element to perform selection

    {{#each table.rows}}
{{{ useSelection @index}}}

Creates click handler for each rectange element. When user clicks on rectangle call selection with correspond row.

Get Power BI color palette value (useColor)

{{{ useColor <string> }}} gets color for given value.


{{#each table.rows}}
fill="{{{ useColor this.Country }}}">

returns color from Power BI palette for each country name.


Function compares two values and return true if they are equal

`{{ eq <value1> <value2> }}`

Example of using in Mermaid.js visual, the link adds only if Product type is Respiratory.

Not Equal

Function compares two values and return true if they are NOT equal

{{ ne <value1> <value2> }}

Less or equal

Function compares two values and return true if value1 is less or equal than value2

{{ lte <value1> <value2> }}

Greater or equal

Function compares two values and return true if value1 is greater or equal than value2

{{ gte <value1> <value2> }}


Function compares two values and return true if value1 is less than value2

{{ lt <value1> <value2> }}


Function compares two values and return true if value1 is greater than value2

{{ gt <value1> <value2> }}


Logical AND statement

{{ and (gt <value1> <value2>) (lt <value1> <value3>) }}

The statement is true if value1 greater value2 AND less than value3


Logical OR statement

{{ or (gt <value1> <value2>) (lt <value1> <value3>) }}

The statement is true if value1 greater value2 OR less than value3